VR in Healthcare – Get2Gether


Bundesland: Bayern

Stadt: Erlangen

Art: Meetup

Datum: 14/11/2019 - 14/11/2019

Zeit: 19:30 - 21:30

Beschreibung der Veranstaltung:

How can Virtual Reality change healthcare? In face of exciting emerging technologies and current trends we are curious to discuss implications and opportunities for healthcare. So join our regular casual hang out over cold drinks at our club facility at the Thalermühle. There is no fix agenda – just come visit and enjoy having meaningful and inspiring discussions with likeminded people from our amazing community. Of course, everybody is welcome - so bring your friends! We are looking forward to meeting you Cheers David & Frank P.S.: Join our Slack Channel for further information and interaction: https://join.slack.com/t/healthhackerserlangen/shared_invite/enQtNjMxMjcwMDEyMzQxLWY4OGY3ODY1NWUyZjU0OWRkYWI5NWI3MjQxZDM4NDMxN2FkOTliM2YxNTlhYTVlNTI4MTRhMmUwOWJiYTI0MmM

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